A website service providing supplemental medical education, designed for students and medical professionals (DO, MD, PA or NP) studying or practicing medicine that includes pediatric patients

Whether you're a medical student just looking to ROCK
Pediatric & Family Med rotations, a
Provider-in-training practicing medical disciplines that includes pediatric patients,
or a Provider in your field of practice as an Attending Physician, PA or NP,
PEDIATRIC PEARL HUB is designed to present essential clinical pearls that supplement & enhance your expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric patients in a clinical setting.


PEDIATRIC PEARL HUB gathers essential clinical pearls and combines them into comprehensive, concise video modules that can be accessed from any device at any time.   

If you've ever felt the pressure of fitting studies in with the rest of life -  family, friends, exercise, grocery shopping, laundry, maybe housecleaning, sleep - you know the struggle is real.  What if listening to teaching modules while multitasking could facilitate time for better balance?  What if this led to more time for other things you love?

It can be overwhelming trying to fit everything in - the studies, rotations, requirements and readings. Keeping up on the latest clinical practice guidelines and recommendations can also feel overwhelming while working a full time job as a PA, NP, Resident, or Attending Physician.  Would it be helpful to have need-to-know facts compiled into one teaching module - all the "pearls" in one package?

The ultimate "pearl" is peace of mind from time saved by accessing learning resources anytime, anywhere, combined with the confidence of knowing the information you're getting is relevant, practical, and in accordance with clinical practice guidelines.

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PEDIATRIC PEARL HUB's teaching modules are available in movie format or MP3 audio.  These are geared toward individuals in an upper level of medical training -  with knowledge of how to do a full medical exam and ready for clinical rotations in which diagnosis and prescribing medications and treatments are learned. 

Instruction is also high yield for Residents, Attending Physicians, PA's and NP's, kept current with the latest in clinical practice guidelines and recommendations.

Multi-task your learning and time by accessing portable online training.  Stay current, and level up your skill and expertise by revisiting the information as of often as you like.


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Series 1.0

Video modules offering suggested ways to efficiently work through clinic visits for common chief complaints.


Series 2.0

Video modules presenting the specifics for solid clinical decision-making skills - all the essential pearls for each topic:  diagnosis, causes, treatment options and potential complications, keeping you current on the latest clinical practice guidelines & recommendations.

Series 3.0
Dim Sum

Various clinical pearls & bits o' wisdom to enhance provision of care for pediatric patients.  Instructional video modules on topics that are like dim sum - needs and themes that often surface and may seem "side dish" but are really part of caring for the patient overall.

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Erica Still, DO, is a Board Certified Pediatrician in the U.S. and creator of PEDIATRIC PEARL HUB. 

Dr. Still lives in Michigan with her husband and two daughters.  In her early 30’s, she decided to change careers and become a Physician.  Between the 2nd and 3rd years of medical school, she and her husband welcomed their first baby.  During residency, she maintained her roles as a new mother, a wife, a volunteer in her community, and a Resident.  During this time, she and her husband experienced the loss of their son due to preterm delivery.  Later, Dr. Still carried a third pregnancy while practicing as a new attending physician in a rural outpatient setting.  She is well acquainted with the joys, challenges, and hardships of being a medical student, a resident, and a new attending physician, while maintaining other equally important roles in life.  

Throughout her years as an attending physician, Dr. Still has served in a teaching capacity for medical students, residents, and undergrad students hoping to apply to a medical field of study.  She has also provided oversight and teaching for Physician Assistants with whom she worked.  PEDIATRIC PEARL HUB was created to fulfill specific educational needs, for both students and those already in practice, highlighted along her journey.

Dr. Still combines her life experiences and clinical know-how with continuous study of current practice guidelines and recommendations, to create high-yield teaching modules and resources aimed at meeting the educational needs of current students, Residents and Providers.  Her mission is to provide practical and portable online education for those treating pediatric patients.  The goal of PEDIATRIC PEARL HUB is to facilitate the ability to multitask life and learning, restoring precious time and vitality to the learner, and thus enhancing mental wellbeing and confidence in the practice of Pediatric medicine.